Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dirty Water

So the kids have gone a little crazy with the face paints.

And it wasn't long after Kaia's birthday that Carl started to notice that the paints were making a MESS of the bath water!!!

Only... one day they didn't use face paints and the water looked the SAME!!!
 So what's the deal?

And day after day it STILL looked the same. 

So we ask Salim to check it out.  After looking confused and blaming it on the rainy season for 10 or so minutes he finally climbs up to the roof to check out the water tanks.  Turns out one is missing a lid.  So he tapes it with plastic and tape.  Sigh.  I ask him to clean the tank but he is adamant that in a day or so the water will be clean.

2 days later.. shockingly the water isn't clean.  We correspond with both the school and the owner. 

2 days later... the school sends Alex.  Alex and Salim spend the day cleaning the tank with soap and water. 

1 day later... water is still dirty.  Salim says in a day it will be clean.

1 day later... it isn't clean.  Owner says he sent fundis to clean.  

1 day later... we welcome back Alex who finally notices that ALL the tanks have dirty water... approximately 13000L of dirty water!!  Then he notices that the water coming into the property is dirty!!!  He sympathizes and turns to leave.  But wait I say.. maybe we can install a filter?  Oh he says.  He will check that out tomorrow.

Today is tomorrow.  No word.  
Today Kaia left muddy footprints on her way OUT of the bathtub.  

This is so gross. It has been about a week and a half now.  
Baths, dishes, laundry all being washed in mud water.  
When we move home I will NEVER take clean or warm water for granted.


  1. good heavens!!
    does the school help at all with a filter
    are they going to dig at intake pipe maybe there is a leak there/

  2. Yuck. And people around here think our tap water is not "good enough" to drink. Geez. Hope your water is clearing up!!
