Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Carl is off to Nairobi this morning for an MRI.  We are all hoping for good news of a speedy recovery to come.  Poor guy.

In the meantime the blog will get a little wordier.  I have SO many kid-isms to share but unfortunately forget them almost as fast as I accumulate them.  Here are some of the ones that stuck.

I can barely get this guy to wear clothes or chupies on a good day.  One morning while I was doing dishes I can hear the kids playing nicely in the bedroom.  Kaia has a pool party planned and has incited Theo to help with the preparations.  Now how in the world did she get him into a Frilly Dora Bikini without a fight!!!  Originally he had the bottoms on too but I missed the shot.

And here it is laundry day... I am folding clothes from the last 2 days.
Kaia has jammies, 2 chupies, and 4 dresses.
excessive but appropriate.
Theo has jammies, 8 chupies, and 1 shirt.

I am reading a book entitled Growing Great Girls.  The main message is that they need to be told they are loved and that they are special A LOT.  I already believe this but it is always refreshing to have a reminder.  So last night as we cuddled while I put her down to sleep I looked deep into her eyes and told her that she was the best little girl in the whole world.  Her face lit up and she double and tripple checked.  Really?  In the whole world?  Better than all the other little girls?  It is lovely how easy it is to melt a 4 year old's heart....
Then she looked deep into my eyes and told me I was the best mummy in the whole wide world.  And wow, it is lovely how easy it is to melt a 38 year old's heart :)

And when Theo whipped out his sticker book Kaia really wanted him to give her a sticker.  I suggested she ask and when she whined instead I did it for her.  He was more than happy to give her a sticker but she whined that it wasn't the right one and how he never gave her the one she wanted.  So I suggested she say thank you enthusiastically with lots of 'I love its' and 'it is so nices' and I was sure he would give her many more.  She didn't.  So when Theo offered me one I told Kaia that I was sure I could get him to give me a 2nd one and I began to compliment him profusely.  Of course I was showered with many more stickers.  So I smiled and turned to Kaia and said 'see'.  She smiled back and squealed excitedly that she would give me some too and ran off to get her Pretty Pink Sticker Book.... Ummmmmmm.... Point lost :)   

She also has VERY small feet for a 4 year old.  In fact she still wears a pair of gym shoes that a 3 year old outgrew a year ago.  She has become a little self conscious of this because her classmates have started to notice and comment.   I think she should be proud of her little guys because it is just like Cinderella but even that isn't enough to take her mind off it and she likes to check her feet each morning to make sure they have grown a little throughout the night.  And usually they have.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful stories Pamela.
    Tell Kaia small feet are better than big ones.I know how hard my Mommy tried to buy shoes for Aunt Donna and I when we were young...........and to this day it can be a problem.Shoes in smaller sizes give you more lovely choices.
    Tell both my grandchildren I agree they are indeed loved and considered very special.!!!!
