Thursday, November 24, 2011

Baking Thursday

Happy American Thanksgiving!!!

I know that technically it is Thanksgiving but we don't have many American friends and there isn't much Thanksgiving spirit so we decided not to celebrate today.  We both worked all day and we all had to get to bed early because it is a school night.  We WILL do it up nicely at some point next week.  The kids can't read the calendar yet anyway so it really is the thought that counts.

And I also know that you aren't supposed to start the Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving but we are going to mess that up too.  Melanie celebrates St. Nicholas day on December 6 and has been trying to stockpile cookies for a few weeks now... so... being the dutiful friends we always try to be...

 we have been helping her... I know... we are so kind and caring.  We now have, at least until Christmas, implemented Baking Thursdays.  A huge hit.  This week was crowded!!

 A slight distraction for a lesson about nature.  The first time Theo saw Sassy eat an animal he freaked out!!  Theo was following and playing with a chameleon and Sassy walked up, pounced, and the chameleon was gone instantly.  This time he was more interested but still unsure.  The most disturbing part was that at the beginning the mouse was still alive.  I don't know how I feel about the kids seeing this sort of thing, but we can't hide them from it here.

Once things calmed down Theo beefed up. Can you see the teenager in him here?

And finally the cookies were ready!!  Melanie has an awesome German cookbook, all I have to do is point one week and the materials are all ready to go the next week.  This week she had even prepared the dough in advance!!  I LOVE baking Thursdays!!

And a great reason for little ones to get into jammies in less that 10 seconds flat so we can all be in bed by 7pm with a little sweet in our bellies.


  1. I thought Sassy was black...Is that your cat? the cookies do look yummy!
    We are grateful for the American Thanksgiving as Craig gets a wee break from his work, and can do Radio...hurray for hobbies.

  2. I agree Roxanne.....yummy cookies for my tummy

  3. Sassy IS black.. has he been into the flour on Baking Thursdays???

  4. yes, Sassy IS black. This is Melanie's cat... Packa (cat in kiswahili).

    Those cookies were good!!

    and roxanne... horray for international companies that have to give holidays to all cultures!! It's just the best ::)
