Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Another day home with the kids.  Parent Conferences today.  No classes.
 Kaia's artwork adorns the room.  Lots of family shots.  I think she is becoming quite the artist.  Gifted obviously.

 She was really excited for the day after I told her it was a day that we all meet up to say nice things about her :)  She made me promise I would tell her teachers all about how she helped me cook Thanksgiving dinner.  But when we arrived the shy bug kicked in and she spent the entire time behind my back.  Here she is pre-conference showing off her drawing Baby Mermaid Swimming.

 Then a little play to pass the day.  Sandbox in front of Meru... a .little something for everyone.

For dinner I made chicken soup from the leftover bones... then I gave the warm soft bones to the animals.  Remember how I said that Theo loves meat?  When I went to check on them this is what I found!!  I am sure I earned myself a Mother of the Year award for running to get the camera before removing the child from the dog dish.

And a more appropriate use of bones... Kaia and I tore the wishbone.  She won.  She wished for a princess and was so disappointed this afternoon when we came home from school and there was no princess waiting for her.  Not sure what to do now.  Where am I going to find a princess?

Really cute listening to her explain what a wishbone was to her carpool mate.  
On that special day that you make lots of food that is yummy you will find a wishbone inside of the chicken.  The next day when the wishbone is really really dry you pull with one finger and you have to pull really hard, harder than any mommy or daddy.  Then your wish will maybe come true.

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