Saturday, January 22, 2011

Twistie swing

Midterm time at ISM.  
I tutored a total of 4 hours today so the kids spent lots of time with Daddy!

 Theo still loves to crawl to you wearing his most charming smile.  He gets cuter every day.

 We put up a twistie swing today.  Kaia is really good at it.  The rope is at least 6m long so it has a huge diameter and builds up loads of momentum.

 We finally decided on a place for the plant Dave bought for us to remember him by.  It is a hydrenia (sp?) so we planted it in partial shade and are hoping it grows into a small bush.  That is what the google guru told me.

We made cookies after dinner.  Peanut butter.  Theo, who hasn't bothered to start walking on his own yet, can climb a chair to help make cookies.  Ironic but not surprising.

Theo can nod yes.  He is very emphatic about it.  One very full nod.  He carefully raises his chin as high as he can and then purposefully lets it drop all the way down. He will also give kisses by leaning his forehead to your mouth.  So...

Mommy: 'Do you love me?'
Theo: Emphatic nod
Mommy:  'Can I have a kiss?'
Theo:  Leans in for kiss
Mommy:  Heart melts

1 comment:

  1. I bet your heart melts Pamela!How really nice it must be for you.................and Theo.
    The yes nod sounds so cute as well.
    We have a hydrangea here in Cobourg ....well more than one but even here they grow well.I hope they look nice when you arrive or certainly before you leave.
    How were the cookies Kaia and Theo?
