Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Meet Kuna

With the birthday festivities finished the next big-ticket event in our lives is going home!!  I am a compulsive list-er and have already started a packing list so we don't forget anything :)

 The decorations were already looking a bit sad after one night out in the damp cold so we brought them indoors to enjoy until we leave.  Kaia is thrilled and Theo is vying to pop those balloons.

 We have a friend with a 3 year old boy who loves to dress up in princess and ballerina dresses.  I think Theo may take after him a bit.  Roxanne (Hi Roxanne!) gave us this beautiful robe for Kaia because it wasn't being used in her house.  Unfortunately Kaia has 2 robes and won't wear either of them.  It is the strangest thing and I have no idea why.  So I am so happy that Theo gets giddy excited when we dress him up in it.  Now it is finally being enjoyed properly.

 He is also quite keen to read in his swing which is super cute.

 I am quite keen about taking photos of bugs with my children in the background.  I don't understand my own fascination.  But Praying Mantises are such old hat to the kids that Kaia couldn't even be persuaded to get up to see this one less that 5 feet away from her. 

Also on the wildlife front... the power was out a few nights ago.  Carl and I were sitting on the couch in the dark when all of a sudden a loud CROAK fills the room.  Then again a CROAK .  After a while a 3rd CROAK.  It sounded like it was only a few feet from the couch but our dim flashlight and nervous fingers couldn't find it.  Nothing since.  As long as he doesn't jump up on me in the shower I think I am ok about sharing residence with him.

Oooohhhh that's right, I forgot.  This is probably why Kaia wouldn't get up... she was playing with her new Barbie and dressing up her new cardboard dolls.  She got her first Barbie for her birthday from Leandra.  Rite of passage.  She has named her Kuna (?) and only puts her down to eat or go to the bathroom.  Kaia is full on into imaginative play and Barbie is the center of everything.  I love listening to her beautiful voice ring through the house creating new and hilarious adventures for Kuna.  You know, until Theo comes over and pulls her hair and it all turns to ear-piercing wails.


  1. Hi Kaia I really like your dolls,they must be a lot of funto play with.
    Theo you look so handsome in that robe.I bet it feels nice too.
    We can hardly believe that you will be here in one month!
    Looking forward to seeing Mommy,Kaia,Theo and Daddy latter on 0000000000000

  2. I love boys that dress up in girly stuff, I hope theo will wear knickers for me
