Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sleeping beauties

 The last few days have been long and hard.  Carl is gone and I am home alone for 3 nights.  The power has been out almost as much as it has been on.  The news from Egypt is breaking my heart.  Unfortunately these days we see photos and footage like this all the time, but this time it is set in a country I lived in and that I love.  The square I have been to many times, met friends, drank coffee, now torn to shreds.  With no one to talk to and 2 kids to entertain, I am spending my time wearing empty smiles and echoing hollow giggles while trying remain calm and not to let my emotions get the best of me.   

 But we must pass the time and today proved to be a 'write home about it' kind of day.  Tonight was the first night that the kids have gone to bed together by themselves at night.  I, while laughing to myself, said goodnight and left 2 awake children in the bed.  I thought it would backfire for sure.  10 minutes later the power went out and the house was alive with the screaming of terrified children.  Figures.  So I gave Kaia our new rockin' flashlight from Uncle Dave and they actually settled down.  In fact they were asleep within another 10 minutes.  Fiction?  I think not.  But I only believe it because I saw it with my very own eyes.

I took the camera to bed with me to take the photo of them sleeping.  Then I forgot it in the bed when I got up in the morning.  Kaia woke up second.  Theo woke up last.  Kaia went to the bedroom to say good morning.  She was gone a long time.  I was interneting so I didn't notice at first.  When they came out together she takes a picture of me!  And when I check the camera she has taken 26 shots like this one.  Totally worth it but I won't be doing that again!

1 comment:

  1. Aaa.. I am sorry you are feeling low these days Pamela with Carl away and Egypt in turmoil.Word here is Mubarak will leave his office today.I hope this helps but as the newly appointed vice President said,all those demonstrators in the square are not all the people and do not express all the peoples will.Well who knows,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    I just hope there is not a lot of bloodshed,although we know some has occured.
    I see Theo's African Christmas blanket I made for him is being well used and that is great!It is colourful but an appropiate pattern for where you live.
    Well I hope very soon we can all feel better about Egypt.
    Carl will be home shortly and I bet be glad to see his family as all of you will be to see him.
