Tuesday, February 1, 2011


 The demonstrations in Egypt are the focus of my thoughts these days.  I am so impressed by the will of the Egyptian people and their determination in these demonstrations.  I am touched by the way neighborhoods have banned together to protect their city from looters.  I am hopeful since the army's announcement that they will not use force on the Egyptian citizens.  I am thrilled and entertained that Google has found a way to let the Egyptians twitter despite Mubarak's internet ban.  I am amazed by the number of people and families that made it to the demonstrations on Tuesday.  I am waiting on the edge of my seat to see what happens.  Go Egypt!  I love and support you!
In the meanwhile we pass the time playing and eating cookies.

Whenever possible we try to keep memories of family at home alive and vibrant for the kids.  When we visited Uncle Tom for the first time with Kaia he would play a game with his daughter called 'Where's Guinea?'  He would hide their stuffed guinea pig and she would look for it.  It gave him time to get ready for work in the morning.  After the trip, quite by accident, we found a stuffed guinea pig in the store and, as fate would have it, we have been playing 'where's guinea' ever since.  Can you find guinea in the picture above?