Monday, February 7, 2011

Theo's Firsts

 Theo's First Swahili word:  nyanya (tomato)
Many swahili words are repetitive like this and are easy and fun for kids to say.  Theo was interested in the growing tomatoes on the vine so Moses let him try.  Theo kept saying nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya.  How can that be an accident?

Theo's first steps: 5 in a row to kick this ball
We have been waiting and waiting and waiting for Theo to take his first steps.  He has taken a few here and there to greet me or to get a ball or some food.  Usually accidental, he doesn't even notice he had done something special.  If you hold his hand though he will kick a ball all the way across the yard.  Go figure.  He is now up to consistently taking about 3-5 steps to come to your lap and we are just going to label them as first steps.  So yea!  Theo is walking!  This photo was taken on Saturday when he forgot he didn't walk yet and was kicking the ball around the yard.

Walking and talking may be old hat to her but Kaia also keeps us entertained each day.
I am cooking in the kitchen and hear a funny noise come from the porch.  
I ask: 'Kaia what was that'
Kaia says:  'Theo blessyoued'

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah Theo,you are doing well with your walking and talking \Swahili
    Lucky you having fresh tomatoes in your garden;they are one of my favourite foods.Our imported winter tomatoes are not that great.
    Well Kaia I hear Theo can 'blessyoued'.Nice!More snow yesterday and today.I think I will send a picture of the front of the house later and show you. 000000000000to All
